The Traveling Spoon – A Most Delicious and Inspiring Initiative!

Traveling Spoon follows a simple concept, yet it has the power to change your traveling experience and the world for the better!
Business school cohorts and entrepreneurs, Aashi Vel and Steph Lawrence, created Traveling Spoon to help travelers and hosts share homemade meals and culinary traditions, encouraging more authentic and connected traveler experiences for tourists and locals alike. Traveling Spoon can currently help travelers get “off The eaten Path” by connecting you with culinary hosts in almost 20 countries, and is working to expand their footprint all the time.

Aashi Vel and Steph Lawrence: “Traveling Spoon is like having a friend’s mom cook you a home cooked meal in every country you visit.
Traveling Spoon connects travelers with local, vetted hosts to share the joy of a homemade meal in their home
and learn about their cultural and culinary traditions passed down through generations.”

During our travels to India, my husband, our oldest son, and I shared meals with several Traveling Spoon hosts. Not only did we not get “Delhi belly” but our meals were delicious. We learned how to make our favorite Indian dishes and heard many legends associated with Diwali from our hosts. Our son loved the tales, the sweets, and the lighting of diyas (small oil lamps) and fireworks thoughtfully prepared by our hosts. It was an epicurean and spiritual experience for all of us, and we truly felt blessed!


My husband Bradley being blessed by our host in New Delhi with which we celebrated Diwali.

Connect with the local food and culture during your next adventure any one of  Traveling Spoon’s destinations. Be reassured, your wonderful hosts for in-home meals, cooking lessons, and market visits are carefully selected through a rigorous qualifying process.


Moroccan Tagine: traditional Moroccan stew named after the conical earthenware pot in which it is slow-cooked and served.


Singaporean Neon Laska: thick and savory noodle soup with a rich coconut broth, dotted with seafood and garnished with fresh herbs and vegetables.


Vietnamese Cakho: fish in a sweet and savory caramel sauce cooked with garlic, scallions, and chilies in a clay pot.

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Read through the blog to meet the hosts, discover exotic recipes, traveling tips, and more.

If you are passionate about cooking and your own cultural traditions, you might want to join the Host Community,

or if you know wonderful hosts, you might want to become an Ambassador and help them connect with Traveling Spoon.

Share this wonderful new way to travel with your friends, give the Gift of Experience.
