Encaustic Painting by Cherie Duty

Brightly colored, multidimensional layers dazzle viewers of Cherie Duty’s artwork. Built layer upon layer, the vibrancy of pigmented wax and the movement achieved through heat is a unique composition that contributes to the work as a whole. Taking advantage of the organic qualities of encaustic – its mirror-like sheen, and pliability, Cherie’s surfaces sometimes glisten with exuberant color and movement, as well as the occasional mysterious fog reminiscent of a memory. Though both styles are very different subjectively, they both project a spirit of optimism and experimentation.

Please visit Cherie’s website to discover her latest artwork (don’t forget to subscribe to receive 4free printable artworks), and contact her to purchase prints or to place a custom order-Cherie also works from photographs!


My art is always an evolution influenced by my fascination with all things natural. Growing up in the beautiful Rocky Mountains has given me ample inspiration and a sincere appreciation for nature with which to work. I enjoy the challenge and drama that comes with the change of seasons indicative of mountain living. Trying to capture a bit of that beauty has been my goal artistically.
Experimenting with embedding found objects within the wax is characteristic of this medium’s infinite possibilities. Being able to create a bit of 3-D to my paintings is intriguing, especially with added elements of changing light, embedded glass, and metallic paint. I love trying my hand at abstraction as well.
Encaustic almost encourages this type of painting. Molten wax just wants to be free to roam and do its own thing. My job as an artist is to bring balance to this tendency. With this ever-changing and fast-paced world surrounding us, I just desire to bring some beauty, peace, serenity, and maybe a little bit of whimsy to the viewer.
Thank you for visiting my site to see my newest creations: www.cherieduty.com