SDG Academy

SDG Academy is a massive open online platform providing Educational Resources from the World’s Leading Experts in Sustainable Development.

These fantastic courses are fully interactive and self-paced or vary from 5 to 15 weeks or are self-paced.

Upcoming courses include the following topics: Transforming the World: Cities and the Challenge of Sustainable Development, Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities, Human Rights Human Wrongs, Globalization: Past and Future, The Best part in Life: Early Childhood Development for Sustainable Development, and Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home.

For more information on U.N. initiatives such as SDG Academy, Read Future Earth Pure Story!



Fron Science to Solutions – A voyage of discovery into our blue Planet…

We invite you to watch and show these excellent short videos to your students, friends and family lead by marine scientists, economists, lawyers and philosophers to bring you a holistic view of how the ocean functions, how human interactions with the ocean can be understood, and what solutions are available to support both sustainable use and stewardship of our blue planet.

The playlist includes 65 videos (from 3mn to 15mn) filled with fascinating illustrations and instructions! The videos were developed by researchers from Geomar Helmotlz Center for Ocean Research Kiel and Kiel University, Germany and are utilized in the Massive Open Online Course offered by Ocean Mooc.