Electric Art – High Voltage Fashion

In my work I search for a connection between art, the environment and the energy surrouding us. Trough art installations on existing structures, I offer another look to the visual aspect of our environment. I propose another view of energy distribution in central networks such as roundabouts, public spaces, fountains, stadiums, bridges, areas along highways, and parking lots.  Through my sculptures, I explore new forms of infrastcutures such as pylons, antennas, turbines, and lights.

I want to highlight power lines rather than conceal them, after all they are “dolmens” of our time!

Each piece is a “particualr work in a particular place”, and deepens reflection on the history, actual life and future projects of the place of integration. Such a symbolism is perceived in the work “Source” which carries the symbolic of Amneville, France and its thermal source. Lighting is an important point in my research of the visual aspect my artwork, which depends on the location. Illuminations evoke the energy and its presence. It can simulate flashes of lightning, represent a “bowl of energy”, a “cloud of light”, or create a movement as a ” waterfall of brightness ».  With the lighting,  the invisible waves, symbolizing the Information and Communication exchanged by men, becomes visible.

For more information about my installations, sculpture and ever evolving art, please visit: electic-art.eu

[All photographs by Elena Paroucheva]


  • Elena Paroucheva

    Elena Paroucheva received her Fine Arts degree from Veliko Turnovo University, Bulgaria. She now lives and works in France, where she draws, paints, sclupts, and work with digital mediums. She practiced Environmental Art, design and create installations for public spaces. In 1999, she initiated the artistic movement "Electric Art" to transform electricity pylons, wind turbines, and tlecommunication towers into works of art.